Video games and other joys of life
His name is Tony Zirkle and he is campaigning on the prevention of a "pornocaust" against white christian women by black porn stars.

His racist idiocy truly exemplifies the real face of the modern GOP  .

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on May 20, 2008

To YOUR satisfaction or the satisfaction of someone with a functioning brain?
on May 20, 2008
the real face of the modern GOP
.Zirkle's racism is the true face of the modern Republican Party.
Zirkle is the true face of modern conservatism,

From which news organ did you receive YOUR instructions on this talking point, oh enlightened one?

Out here in the Swirling Epicenter we have begun a movement to declare April 20th a National Holiday...just to piss you off.

on May 20, 2008
In response to your concern about Republicans and conservatives not responding to this is the singer, not the song.
on May 20, 2008

it is the singer, not the song.

Republicans are terrified of me and everyone else who speaks facts they prefer be ignored.

on May 20, 2008

Out here in the Swirling Epicenter


Oh please you are so rightwing you think California is the midwest.

on May 21, 2008
Republicans are terrified of me and everyone else who speaks facts they prefer be ignored.I'm not afraid of you, I just happen to think you're an idiot. I refuse to waste time arguing with idiots.

Your casual justification of your failure to speak out against the racist face of your party speaks volumes of your lack of character.
on May 22, 2008
I'm a racist

The sad part is you are either morally deficient enough to think there is nothing wrong with that statement or intellectually deficient enough to think that you are funny.
on May 22, 2008
Later. (maybe.)

LW, ya having fun?
on May 22, 2008
LW, ya having funUh-huh. Wish my health would allow me to really fire up the flamethrower, but I'm on 'lukewarm' for the time being.How's your back, btw?

Understandable, but not sure this nitwit is really worth the energy if ya know what I mean. Totally devoid of any intelligence or challenge at all. I just ignore it now as it never says anything worthy of note at all.

The back is much better now, thanks for asking.

How is the hand healing up?
on May 22, 2008
So, as an 'enlightened' Democrat, you automatically feel justified in passing that sort of judgement on me?

I pass judgement on lots of deficient people, deal with it.

Go vote for your wolf in negro clothing.

You spent 2000 and 2004 voting for your traitor in a Patriot's clothing.

disenfranchising entire STATES in your primaries

Tell me is the judge in a criminal case responsible for a criminal going to jail? Michigan and Florida knew the rules, were told what the punishment would be and violated the rules. Claiming that the blame lies anywhere but with the state party is akin to arguing that the person responsible for GW's DUI was the officer who arrested him.

diversity is beautiful so it must be eradicated

What form of brain damage did you incur for that idiotic diatribe to make sense?

Ask any average Obama supporter to name one of his achievements, to outline a single one of his policy proposals, and in most cases, all you're gonna get is a blank stare.

Put up or shut up you stupid fool, post irrefutable evidence backing that up or admit you are a typical anti-American bush sycophant.

BUT HE'S BLACK! And he has an ARAB sounding name!

Actually he is 1/2 African American and 1/2 White and the name is Swahili.

But I realize you lack both the brainpower to comprehend those facts and the integrity to admit to them.

and i know who you really are, btw, you've been here before)

Actually no I haven't. And I also know that you not only can't prove that I was but you are far too big of a cowering traitor to let reality interfere with your rants.

on May 22, 2008
Wish my health would allow me to really fire up the flamethrower

Oh no the brainless chimpanzee sycophant is going to flame me. I doubt you mommy lets you out of the basement to play with anything hotter than warm milk.
on May 23, 2008
I'm taking major doses of predisone again trying to get rid of the inflammation, still wearing a hard splint 18 hours a day, and the damn thing feels like it's on fire most afternoons, after I've had the brace off for a while to do light housework and my physical therapy exercises. In the seven weeks since I've had the surgery, it's gotten progressively worse instead of better, and I wish I'd left it the hell alone.

Damn that sucks. What does the doc have to say about it?

Add some potential serious eye problems to my list of woes, I saw an opthamologist the other day who saw some signs of macular degeneration in my left eye, going back in two weeks for some more specialized tests. gah.

That's a real bummer. I hope you're right and he's made a mistake. But if not, you're in good company as Stephen King suffers the same ailment.

I'm hoping that everything will work out for the best for you. Hang in there.

How's your mom, btw? When are you heading out again? It must be hard to leave her...

She's improving, thanks for asking. They removed her sutures and the trach tube day before yesterday. She looks a lot better without that tube sticking out of her neck. Her artificial voice unit should arrive next week.

I'll be heading back out early next week. I feel better about it now that I know she's doing even better than the doc expected.
on May 23, 2008
to Mason and LW   
on May 23, 2008
Yup, I saw on your other thread that they think they got all of the cancer out, that's great news!!!

Thanks. We're glad that it hadn't spread to the lymph nodes, but she'll still have to do the chemo thing just to make sure.
on May 23, 2008
to Mason and LW

How's things with you, BFD?
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