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Repub Nazi is the true face of the GOP
Published on April 30, 2008 By
His name is Tony Zirkle and he is campaigning on the prevention of a "pornocaust" against white christian women by black porn stars.
His racist idiocy truly exemplifies the real face of the
modern GOP
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Repub Nazi is the true face of the GOP
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Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 30, 2008
I doubt the women in porn are "white Christian women."
on Apr 30, 2008
hahahahaha.I doubt the women in porn are "white Christian women."
I concur, yet you will notice that the rightwingers on this forum can't wait to comment on an anti Democrat thread but they will hide from this one.
on Apr 30, 2008
I concur, yet you will notice that the rightwingers on this forum can't wait to comment on an anti Democrat thread but they will hide from this one.
WEELL, I consider myself an American, but I do tend to vote Republican most of the time..not because it represents what I want or think is best for the country necessarily, its just the closest.
As for this loop loop.. I don't think anyone will be lining up to claim him.
on Apr 30, 2008
I don't think anyone will be lining up to claim him.
yes but Republicans want to assign Obama guilt by association for Rev. Wright, yet they want it to be considered a simple coincidence when their own associates prove problematic.
on Apr 30, 2008
yes but Republicans want to assign Obama guilt by association for Rev. Wright, yet they want it to be considered a simple coincidence when their own associates prove problematic.
Don't you think that's apples and oranges tho?
Obama has addressed Wright....acknowledged their relationship..they have a personal relationship....or did....if Obama saw Wright at a picnic, he'd say HOWDY! Why'd ya sell me out?
I don't even think Republicans know who this Zirkle fella is. I never heard of him before this article. (I admit to being luke warm when it comes to politics so maybe they do, and I am the one behind the times.)
Are there nut job Republicans? hahahaha. Of course. Politics seem to draw from all pools of life.
on Apr 30, 2008
Don't you think that's apples and oranges tho?
No Not at all, I'm just pointing out how republicans want to pick and choose when someones associations can be held against them.
on May 01, 2008
No Not at all, I'm just pointing out how republicans want to pick and choose when someones associations can be held against them
hahaha...so what your really saying...Republicans need to be more southern...you don't send Crazy Aunt Nell to a nut house, you walk around town with her and claim her when others wonder who she's with....cuz after all, we're alllll family.
(That's actually much funnier if you imagine it with a southern drawl. At least in my head.)
on May 01, 2008
I don't even think Republicans know who this Zirkle fella is.
The Republicans in his home state must. Two years ago he attempted this and got THIRTY PERCENT of the vote.
Sends chills down my spine - and the bad kinds of chills, kiddos.
on May 01, 2008
bad kinds of chills, kiddos.
And my prediction remains true, the repubs on this forum remain terrified of this issue. They know Tony Zirkle's racism is the true face of the modern Republican Party.
on May 09, 2008
Gee, amazing how NO rightwingers have had the cajones to post on this thread. They are running from it like GW ran from a National Guard Drug test.
on May 14, 2008
Still waiting for even a single Republican to prove that they have the courage to address something other than an obama bashing thread. Small wonder that everyone on this forum knows the rightwingers are incapable of even a single thought not pre-approved for their political expediency by the official media arm of the RNC known as the Fox News Network.
on May 19, 2008
I, like many other conservatives have never even heard of this guy. So why would he be an issue. Many DEMOCRATS have probably never heard of this guy. He's a crazy lunatic who just hasn't been institutionalized. Would you go to an insane asylum and get all upset if someone said crazy stuff? That's my feelings on where he's coming from. Also, keep in mind, he's a CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE. That means nothing. He doesn't speak for the party, he speaks for himself. Nearly anyone in the U.S. can run for congress, it doesn't mean they speak for their party.
So you pick some random character, who holds no office, whom no one outside of his small district in Indiana have heard of, and pick him as the voice of the Republican party? Ridiculous. I could spend five minutes on the DailyKos and find one psychopathic liberal ranting about how he wants to exterminate all people for the sake of mother earth. Would that character speak for your party?
Wise up kid. All you're doing with this post is proving that Liberals have zero logical capabilities.
on May 19, 2008
Plus, did I mention that his idea of "pornocaust" would be hilarious if it wasn't so utterly and completely absurd. No matter what your hippy parents tell you, The_Politico, no conservative I know believes in that bullshit.
Big Fat Daddy
on May 20, 2008
(That's actually much funnier if you imagine it with a southern drawl. At least in my head.)
Well done, girl.
"Small wonder that everyone on this forum knows the rightwingers are incapable of even a single thought not pre-approved for their political expediency by the official media arm of the RNC known as the Fox News Network."
on May 20, 2008
like many other conservatives have never even heard of this guy.
That doesn't change the fact that Zirkle is the true face of modern conservatism, notice not a single Republican denounced him, called for him to quit the race. The only logical assumption is that they approve of celebrating Adolph Hitler.
You spout the lie that Republicans would not approve of it yet I point out how not a single republican was willing to publicly comment on this thread for nearly a month.
Face facts, conservatism is the movement of racist bigots who celebrate the birth of Adolph Hitler.
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